After spending the last two years as a part of the Charlotte Dance Gypsies, and being in rotation as a local caller on Monday nights, I called my last Monday night dance last night.
I came to Charlotte for work and was delighted to find an established dance. Two years later the dance is a bit bigger, two lines most Monday nights. I am so honored to have been immediately accepted as a dancer and caller, Dean Snipes, Lesly Bowers and Gretchen Cauldwell all welcomed me to join in and lead dance. Thanks to you all for letting me do the "Beyond Beginners, or How to become everyone's favorite dancer" workshop series. Now there is a regular monthly gathering for waltzing.
An evening of Contra dance can be daunting to the newcomer. So much going on the dance floor, all those smiles! What is not immediately apparent is that the newcomer has happened onto a community. There can be a place for you, we will be happy to have you join us. I want to congratulate the Charlotte Dance Gypsies for creating a welcoming environment. I will be back every chance I get, to dance, call and hang out with my friends.
Thank you all for the expressions of love and appreciation I received. I am honored to have such friends.